dance with vagrant being
Along with traditional formats in sculpture and painting, artist has made extensive use of mixed media presentation as in his series of both imaginary and actual portraits embedded in a matrix of typed text. These present as spectral presences, structurally dependent upon their textual grounds yet not necessarily narratively connected. The artist leaves it up to the viewer to navigate that relationship. Haffar’s lyrical influences range from the concrete, plainspoken poetry of Mark Strand to the morally- freighted metaphors of T.S. Eliot’s verse. He literally reinforces the former via the implementation of a variety of vintage typewriter imprints while the latter influence comes off in complex overlayers of black and colored text. The “trail of breadcrumbs” he lays down here for both himself and the viewer consist offragments of memories and wandering idylls of emotional states which at times almost engulf these sensitively drawn portraits in clouds of discursive reflection.Writings